In this page you can able to learn that how to display live date and time in HTML page. The steps are given below
- First we have to create an html page.
- At next we have to use the html tag (<html></html>).
- Then we have to use head tag.
- Inside the head tag we have to use the title tag. Title tag is used to display the title of the web page.
- Then we can give the code in the body section.
- Inside the body tag we have to create a button with the name of DATE AND TIME.
- In button tag we have to use the onclick method.
- Then we have to create empty paragraph tag with id (display) to display the date and time.
- Then we need the script tag to make the code.
<title>Dispaly date and time</title>
<button type="submit" onclick="displaytime()">DATE AND TIME</button>
<p id="display"></p>
function displaytime(){
Before clicking DATE AND TIME button |
After Clicking The DATE AND TIME button |
To click the live preview of the above program click the demo button
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